Use the checklist below to structure your approach to the careers you are considering.
Job Title?
- What are the main duties in this job?
- What qualifications are needed to do this job?
How long does it take to obtain qualifications?
- Where can I find more information about becoming qualified?
- Do you have to work your way up to become qualified for this job? How?
- What are the qualifications for the preliminary job(s)?
What abilities and skills are needed to learn and perform the job's tasks?
- What are the work role and work style demands of the job (refer to your JVIS Extended Report Basic Interest Scale descriptions)?
- Consider your work role and work style preferences against the demands of the job. For example, if you score high on job security, how does the job stack up? Is there another job that would be a better fit?
What is the work environment like?
- Consider the physical working conditions like indoor vs. outdoor, and other aspects of the work environment.
What are the job's demands on the worker?
- Consider physical, emotional, and mental demands?
What does the job pay?
- What is the overall compensation (including benefits, perks, etc.)?
- Consider starting salary estimates (both high and low) as well as prospects over the course of your career.
What is the outlook for this type of work?
- Will the job opportunities be many or few?
- What kind of competition is expected for these jobs? Are there likely to be many or few people with the necessary abilities, skills, and qualifications?