Career Comparison CheckList

  Career Option #1  Career Option #2  Career Option #3 
Job Title:       
Main Duties:       
What are they? Do you have them? How easily can you get them?
Abilities and Skills
What are they? Do you have them? Can you develop them?
Work Roles & Work Styles?
Which interest areas may you express in this career? Does this career require behavior inconsistent with your own preferences?
Values & Personal Preferences
How does this career compare to your values? Does it require you to do things you would prefer not to do?
Work Environment
Physical environment of work? Climate or culture of the organization(s) in which you might work?
Demands on the Worker
Physical demands? Mental demands? Emotional demands?
$$Pay & Benefits
Wage, salary, commission, etc.? Starting pay estimates (high & low)? Average income? Highest income possible? Benefits (e.g. medical, dental) and their value?
Employment Outlook
Job growth/decline expected? Job security? Competition for jobs?