Setting up a JVIS.COM Account

Your JVIS.COM Account allows you to pre-purchase JVIS.COM Access Codes at a discount from the regular price of US$24.00. These JVIS.COM Access Codes allow your clients to take the JVIS and view their report from any browser at any time. Your account also allows you to track the usage of the Access Codes you've purchased, and to view the responses and reports of your clients.

Setting up a JVIS.COM Account is easy. There is no setup charge, but a minimum purchase of 10 Access Codes is required. In addition to the 10 Access Codes you purchase, you will be provided with your own secure Account ID and Account Password. You can pay for your initial purchase of JVIS.COM Access Codes using VISA, Mastercard or American Express, or by purchase order.

Click here for step-by-step video tutorials for counselors.

For more information, or to set up an account, please contact:
SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 610757
Port Huron, Michigan, USA
Phone: 800.265.1285
Fax: 800.361.9411

Canadian customers can also contact:
SIGMA Assessment Systems, Ltd.
P.O. Box 3292, Station B
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 4K3
Phone: 800.401.4480
Fax: 519.673.5905

JVIS.COM Access Codes are priced as follows:

# of Access Codes Canadian Prices U.S. Prices
10+ CAN $16.50 US $14.50